Lab Grown Diamond VS Natural Diamond

Lab Grown Diamond VS Natural Diamond

 Lab-grown or synthetic diamonds are enjoying a surge of popularity—they're less expensive, ethically produced, and easier to trace than mined diamonds. If you're concerned that lab-grown diamonds are fake, don't be! Synthetic diamonds look the same as mined diamonds and they have the same molecular and physical properties. 

Lab-grown diamonds have come a long way since they were originally developed decades ago. Now, if you glance at diamonds, you can't see differences between the mined and lab-grown ones. In fact, they have the same physical and molecular properties, so lab-grown diamonds are effectively "real" diamonds

what is the difference between Lab Grown Diamond and Natural Diamond

Lab Created Diamond
Natural Diamond
Whether it is real or not?
Is it eco-friendly?
Not at all
Where does it come from?
It is made in the laboratory
It is found in the mines
Is it a conflict-free?
Can you customize it?
Which is better in terms of qual ity?
Since it is created in laboratory it comes without flaws and is by far of better quality.
Cannot predict the quality standards, a complete flawless natural diamond is very very rare and highly expensive.
How long does it live?
Is it artificial?
Will the diamond's shine go away with time?
Whether it is a diamond or not?
Which is more affordable?
Yes it is very cost effective
It may or may not be cheap
Can the same quality be delivered in large quantity?
Yes, definitely
As its manufactured in controlled conditions.
Cannot be determined

Lab Grown diamond come in the same color categories  of diamonds. D-E-F colorless Lab Grown Diamond are the top grade and easily the most popular. If you want something with a more warmth and color you can select a near colorless G-H-I color range lab grown diamond.

what is Lab-Grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are generally produced by high pressure high temperature (HPHT) methods or chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

HPHT, used since the 1950s, puts a pure, solid carbon source under high pressure and high temperature. In the presence of a catalyst, the pressurized and heated carbon crystalizes into diamond. HPHT is sometimes used to improve the color of mined or lab-grown diamonds.
CVD uses ultra-pure carbon-rich gases in a controlled environment. It produces Type IIa diamonds, which are quite rare in nature and account for less than two percent of all mined diamonds. Type IIa diamonds have no, or almost no, impurities; they are the purest, highest-quality diamonds.

Our proprietary CVD process allows us to produce stunning diamonds in color and size combinations that are seldom found in mines, such as fancy color pink diamonds that are prized for fine jewelry.